When I was a kid and first baking, I never cared that much whether something I made was perfect, just whether it tasted good. I’m sure there were many times when I made something inedible (I can certainly remember the homemade pretzels that were still raw and quickly sprouted mold). I baked because no one else in the house did, and I LOVED (still love) sweets. When I grew up and had dinner parties, I always elected to make the dessert. It may not be served first, but it is served ALONE. It is the center of attention. That’s when I held my breath, waiting for the verdict. Did it look good? Was it baked long enough? How’d it
That was then, this is now. Ha, who am I kidding? I still feel like that. Plus now I have Paul Hollywood‘s voice in the back of my mind. I see those perfect blue eyes framed with furrowed brows. You know, that look he gives when he seems sincerely disappointed that someone’s final effort is perfect…except. Except underbaked. Overbaked. Soggy
So even though technology doesn’t (yet) allow me to waft smells or teleport baked goods through this blog, I hope to transmit the warmth, flavor, beauty and science of baking through these pages. I will show my personal triumphs and failures alongside products I love, cookbooks I’m obsessed with, people that amaze me and anything else remotely related to baking (BEES!). And maybe, just maybe, my journey will help me to finally stop picking the raisins out of oatmeal cookies. And everything else they are in.
Thanks for joining me!

Follow my blog and follow me on Twitter and Instagram to see pics of my latest triumphs and tragedies and links to things of baking interest. Both names are @measuredbaking.
So excited for you. I have enjoyed watching you bake over the last year-very impressed.
Thanks Karen! 🙂
Enjoying seeing your beautiful baked goods, alas, that is most definitely not my forte, I’ll live vicariously through you!
I feel the same about your amazing paintings…so I guess we’re even! 😁